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一、 勞動合同
Labor Contracts
1. 內容方面的要求
Contents re-quirements
1) 試用期及不符合錄用條件
Not meet the employment condition in the probationership
2) 單方調整工作崗位的條款
The terms of a unilateral adjustment position
3) 嚴重違紀合同化趨向
The contract tendency of serious violation
4) 送達條款的三層要求
The 3 re-quirements of service terms
2. 簽訂過程中的要求
Request in signing process
1) 合同三種性質的選擇:固定、無固定OR完成一定任務
The options of 3 contract natures: fixed, no fixed OR completion of a certain task
2) 簽訂時間的法定要求與最佳時間
The legal request of signing time and the best time
3) 三種工時的選擇:固定工時、綜合計算與不定時
The options of 3 working hours: fixed working hours, consolidated with irregular
4) 簽訂流程的要求
The re-quirements of the signing process
5) 因未簽訂勞動合同而引發(fā)的雙倍工資案件應對實務
The solution of double wage case caused by not signing a labor contract
3. 變更過程中的要求
re-quirements in changing process
1) 變更工作崗位
Change the job position
2) 變更工資待遇
Change the wages
3) 變更合同主體
Change the contract body
4) 變更工作地點
Change the work place
4. 終止過程中的要求
The re-quirements in termination process
1) 提前通知期
Advance notice period
2) 不能終止的情形
The case of failing to be terminated
3) 經濟補償金的結算
Economic compensation settlement
5. 續(xù)訂過程中的要求
re-quirements in renewing process
1) 續(xù)訂的合同性質:固定OR無固定
The nature of the renewal contract: fixed or non-fixed
2) 續(xù)訂的時間要求
The time requests of renewing
二、 員工手冊
The employee handbook
1. 員工手冊三要素:民主制訂、公示與合法性
The 3 elements of employee handbook: Democratic development, publicity and legitimacy
2. 民主制訂程序的要求
Democratic formulate procedural re-quirements
1) 適用對象:涉及到員工切身利益的規(guī)章制度或者重大事項
Applicable object: the regulations and major issues related to employee’s vital interests
2) 違背的后果:全部無效還是部分無效
The consequences of the breach: All invalid or partially invalid
3) 遇到員工普遍反對如何處理:單決權利與過渡性方案
How to handle employees generally opposed situation: Single decision rights and transitional programs
4) 民主程序的舉證要求及司法實踐方向
Evidentiary re-quirements and judicial practice direction of the democratic process
5) 如何權衡民主程序要求與保密需要
How to balance the democratic process re-quirements and the need for confidentiality
3. 公示的要求
Publicity re-quirements
1) 常見操作方法
The common practical methods
2) 違紀解除的事先查證與培訓程序的彌補
To make up for prior verification and training program of discipline lifted
4. 合法性的要求
Legitimacy re-quirements
1) 幾種違法的表現(xiàn)
Several illegal performance
2) 違法條款的后果及違法條款在適用過程中的二次迭加
The consequences of illegal items and double addition in the application process
3) 合法的職責在于HR還是公司法條?
Is the legal responsibility relevant to HR or company legal articals?
5. 員工手冊的適用要求:匹配性
The application re-quirement of employee’s handbook: match nature
1) 規(guī)章制度內容模糊的情形下,如何提高匹配性?
In terms of the regulation content is fuzzy, how to improve the match nature?
2) 規(guī)章制度清晰,而事實定性有多種可能性時,如何提高?
If the regulation is clear, while there are several possibilities for the fact qualification. How to improve?
三、 競業(yè)限制協(xié)議
The non-competition agreement
1. 內容層面的要求
re-quirements on content level
1) 競業(yè)限制中員工不能就職的企業(yè)描述方法:羅列與行業(yè)分類相結合
The desc-ription methods of corporations employee is not allowed to be hired in the non-competition agreement: combine enumerate with category
2) 期限要求:不能超過兩年
re-quirement of time limitation: no more than 2 years
3) 競業(yè)限制的種類:在職期間與離職之后
The species of non-competition: during employment and after the resignation
4) 競業(yè)限制補償金的支付方式
The payment method of non-competition compensation
2. 實務中的要求
Practical re-quirement
1) 如何證明員工違約?
How to prove staff breach of contract
2) 員工如果注銷工資卡,導致補償金無法發(fā)放怎么辦?
How to deal with the case of failing to pay the compensation leaded by the employee’s cancellation the payroll card?
四、 入職通知書
The entry notice
1. 內容層面的要求
re-quirements on content level
1) 如何處理入職與體檢之間的關系
How to deal with the relationship between entry and health examination
2) 如何處理入職通知書與勞動合同之間的關系t
How to deal with the relationship between entry notice and labor contract
3) 可否約定違約金
Whether agree the liquidated damages
2. 操作層面的一些問題
Some issues on practical level
1) 約定了北京戶口或者其它特殊福利,員工違約,是否可以主張違約權利?
In terms of agreeing the Beijing accounts or other special benefits, the employee bench of contract, whether advocates the default rights?
2) 單位違約的后果
The consequences of company default
3) 僅有該通知書而未簽訂勞動合同的后果
The consequences of having the notice without a labor contract signed
五、 培訓協(xié)議
Training Agreements
1. 培訓員工的兩種方案選擇:培訓協(xié)議還是借款協(xié)議
The two proposal options to training the employee: the training agreement or loan agreement?
2. 哪些培訓可以約定違約金:專項技術培訓、付費培訓、職業(yè)技能培訓?
What kind of training could be agreed liquidated damages: special technical training, paid training and vocational skills training?
六、 勞務派遣協(xié)議
Labor dispatch agreement
1. 對勞務派遣資質的審核
The audit of labor dispatch qualification
2. 違約條款
Bench items
3. 異地派遣的管轄條款
The jurisdiction terms of offsite dispatch
4. 對勞務派遣單位與用工單位之間權責利條款的審核
The audit of right, responsibility and benefit between staffing firm and employer
七、 三方協(xié)議
Three party’s agreement
1. 兩個版本的三方協(xié)議
Two versions of three party’s agreement
2. 三方協(xié)議簽訂時的員工心態(tài)分析
The staff attitude analysis when signing the three party’s agreement
3. 三方簽轉時對員工心態(tài)的引導
The guide of employee attitude when signing the three party’s agreement
4. 三方簽轉過程中常見的法律風險及處理策略
The common legal risk and handle solution when signing the three party’s agreement
八、 解除通知書
Lifting notice
1. 四個版本的解除通知書
Four versions of lifting notice
2. 解除通知書的書寫方法
The writing methods of lifting notice
3. 通知書的送達技巧
The delivering skills of lifting notice
九、 離職證明
Leaving proof
1. 出具的前提
The premise of issue
2. 特殊情形的處理方法
The handle solution of special cases
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