Chapter 1:
1. Brainstorm Session: Sharing experiences of problems in modern communication
Analysis – Why did they happen?
Preventing future problems
2. Changing your mindset for effective & modern communication
Receiver Perception
Open minded approach
Confidence Building
Chapter 2:
1. Tips for Effective Writing
Think & Plan
Write a Logical Outline
Know your audience
Less is more
Chapter 3:
1. Language Style Differences
Cross-Cultural Understanding
British versus USA
Chapter 4:
1. Structuring
Basic Guidelines
Sequencing information logically
Selecting relevant information
Paragraph Linking
Structure exercise
Chapter 5:
1. Standard Phrases
Phrases for Opening and Closing
Standard Phrases in Correspondence
Writing exercise on above
Chapter 6:
1. Understanding differences in “ Tone ”
Analysis of Tone in E-mails
How to use modal verbs for tone
Tone: Diplomatic Language
Chapter 7:
1. Preparing for Difficult Situations
Bad News
Greetings & Wishes
Understand the importance of knowing your audience and purpose for writing.
Select and evaluate your information.
Use practical strategies for planning complex documents.
Select the most appropriate kind of written communication for any situation
Apply various strategies for sorting information.
Use accepted layout.
Give clear, precise instructions in written form.
Follow accepted conventions of format to make a letter readable.
in-clude information appropriate to the purpose.
Use words, sentence forms, structure and style appropriate to the readers.