《企業(yè)人力資源管理專家勝任力證書培訓系列(PHR)之 績效管理專家勝任力特訓營》課程詳情
第一層面:績效管理專員職位勝任力結構The first level: specialist’s KCI in PM
1. 掌握績效管理指標體系的制定與管理方法
Mastering methods of setting up and managing performance management indicators system
2. 熟悉績效管理的流程
Getting familiar with performance management process
3. 能解答企業(yè)員工一般性績效管理問題
Answering staff’s general performance management questions
4. 具績效管理例會安排能力與經驗
Ability and experience of arranging performance management regular meetings
5. 定期績效管理報表編制能力與經驗
Ability and experience of designing regular performance management form
6. 一般員工/工人級績效面談能力與經驗
Ability and experience of general staff and workers-level performance interview
7. 部門/跨部門績效指標執(zhí)行跟蹤能力與經驗
Ability and experience of implementing and tracking sector/cross-sector’s performance indicators
8. 獎懲制度績效管理辦法制定與推行能力與經驗
Ability and experience of setting up and implementing performance management methods of rewards and punishment system
9. 獎金制度績效管理辦法制定與推行能力與經驗
Ability and experience of setting up and implementing performance management methods of bonuses system
Good expression and communication ability
Good English ( adding 20-30% individual value)
Knowing well and grasping professional terms of performance management
第二層面:績效管理主管職位勝任力結構The second level: supervisor’s KCI in PM
1. 績效指標系統的建立與執(zhí)行能力與經驗
Ability and experience of setting up and implementing performance indicators system
2. MBO績效指標的分解能力與經驗
Ability and experience of MBO performance indicators decomposition
3. KPI績效指標體系的分解能力與經驗
Ability and experience of KPI performance indicators system’s decomposition
4. 績效指標訂立技能培訓的能力與經驗
Ability and experience of performance indicators setting skills training
5. 績效評估方法的選擇與設計能力與經驗
Ability and experience of selecting and designing performance appraisal methods
6. 績效評估表的設計能力與經驗
Ability and experience of designing performance appraisal form
7. 績效評估流程的建立與監(jiān)控能力與經驗
Ability and experience of setting up and controlling performance appraisal process
8. 中層管理人員績效評面談能力與經驗
Ability and experience of middle managers’ performance interview
9. 具備績效面談技能培訓的能力與經驗
Ability and experience of performance interview skills training
Ability and experience of implementing performance management system
Ability and experience of setting up and implementing commission system performance management methods
Ability and experience of organizing and implementing performance management system
Ability and experience of diagnosing and solving performance management problems
Ability and experience of setting up, managing and improving performance management process
Possessing basic system knowledge of performance management
Ability and experience of performance management budget and performance management
Better with good foundation in English ( adding 20-30% individual value)
第三層面:績效管理經理/總監(jiān)職位勝任力結構The third level: manager/director’s KCI in PM
1. 戰(zhàn)略性績效管理思考能力、具系統而專業(yè)的PMS理論水平
Thinking ability of strategic performance management, systematic and professional theory level of PMS
2. 績效管理策略制定能力、與老板/公司/部門經理有效共息的能力
Ability of setting up performance management and getting along with boss/company/department manager
3. 績效管理目標定立與溝通能力
Ability of setting up and communicating performance management objective
4. MBOs/KPIs/BSCs績效管理體系建立與推行能力與經驗
Ability and experience of setting up and implementing MBOs/KPIs/BSCs of PMS
5. 有效績效指標體系設計、推行能力與經驗
Ability and experience of setting up and implementing effective performance indicators system
6. 有效績效評估體系設計、推行能力與經驗
Ability and experience of setting up and implementing effective performance appraisal system
7. 有效績效管理動力機制建立、推行能力與經驗
Ability and experience of setting up and implementing effective performance management impetus mechanism
8. 主持績效管理導入訓練的能力與經驗
Ability and experience of hosting performance management introducing training
9. 主持中高層人員績效管理面談能力與經驗
Ability and experience of hosting middle and high level staff’s performance management interview
Ability and experience of setting up ,guiding and implementing performance management indicators
Ability and experience of performance management costs’ budget and management
Training objectives
Possessing the ability and skills of setting up and implementing performance management system to support company’s strategic implementation
Possessing the ability and skills of setting up and implementing performance management system matching company’s business goals
Designing practical and effective performance indicators system according to company’s business needs
Possessing skills and experience of designing, guiding and implementing performance feedback and performance improvement plans
Developing and applying effective performance appraisal system and methods
Improving organizational performance and staff’s performance
Enhancing company’s competitiveness through performance management
Enhancing company’s attraction to excellent talents through the close combination of performance and compensation
Training Features
20% of time for sharing the latest knowledge of performance management; 40% for cultivating expert-level skills of performance management; 40% for practical operation experience sharing, job sampling training
Training Time
Two days in total
Practice of setting up PMS and motivating PMS
Developing and practicing effective PIS and appraisal methods-MBO,KPI and BSC PTS
Developing and practicing effective performance appraisal system
Skills of performance interview, performance improvement and performance feedback
1. 獲頒發(fā)《績效管理專家》證書
Obtaining certificate of PHR-PM
2. 成為Goodcareer 終身會員,享受會員“十大收益”(詳情請登閱本公司網站查閱)
Becoming Goodcareer lifelong member and enjoying the “10 Benefits”(Please visit our website to get the details)
3. 免費成為才博<
Becoming member of Goodcareer HR Party for free
4. 9折參加Goodcareer 年度《人力資源管理高峰論壇》
Getting 10% discount for Goodcareer annual Human Resources Management Summit Forum
Course Arrangement
Training content will be changed according to the trainees’ condition and it will be subject to the tutors
the first day
Practice of setting up performance management strategy and motivating performance management system
Case study: frustrating performance appraisal of annual salary adjustment
Sharing experience: performance-oriented PMS
Motivation and performance management
Enterprise objective/strategy/PM objective
Skills and arts of selecting PMS
—MBOs, KPIs和BSCs績效管理體系
PMS of MBOs, KPIs and BSCs
—實操技能訓練:選擇匹配的績效管理體系 Practical operation skills: selecting matching PMS
Skills of selecting PIS
Practical operation skills: selecting appropriate indicators system
Practice of setting up effective PMS
Setting up PMS matching company’s business goals
Skills and arts of implementing PMS
Sharing samples of PMS
Job sampling: setting up effective PMS
Case study: Johnson&Johnson’s all-round evaluation
Answering hot issues of PMS
Developing and practicing effective performance indicators system and appraisal methods----MBO,KPI and BSC performance indicators system
Case study: rewards and punishment standards or performance indicators
Sharing experience: performance-oriented PMS
Objectives and standards
Practical operation skills: setting up objectives and standards
—建立SMARTA 指標體系
Setting up SMATRA indicators system
Setting up SMATRA indicators for training manager
Skills and arts and methods of key performance range
Practical operation skills: finding out research manager’s key performance range
Setting up company’s, department’s and
individual KPI indicators
Job sampling: setting up KPI
Practice of developing MBOs performance indicators
Practice of developing KPIs performance indicators
Practice of developing BSCs performance indicators
Training staff’s skills and arts of setting up PI
Empirical experience : selecting effective performance appraisal methods
Case study: some company decided not to take the KPI indicators system
Homework: setting up indicators system
the second day
Developing and Practicing effective Performance Appraisal System
Case study: a terrible performance appraisal form
Sharing experience: qualitative evaluation and quantitative evaluation
Practice of setting up effective performance appraisal system
Job sampling: selecting proper performance appraisal system
Case study: damage evaluation system of company’s along-term interest
Developing and applying effective performance appraisal methods
Empirical practice: selecting effective performance appraisal methods
Setting up matching evaluation process
Developing effective performance appraisal form
Job sampling: developing proper performance appraisal form
Case study: some company decided not to take KPI evaluation system
Sharing experience: sharing samples of evaluation system and process
Exercising by group: setting up company’s evaluation system and process
Skills of performance interview, performance improvement and performance feedback
Case study: unhappy assessee and assessor
Sharing experience: incentive performance feedback
Designing performance interview process
Skills and arts of effective performance interview
Practical operation skills: effective principles of performance interview
Sharing skills and arts of successful performance
Setting up and implementing incentive performance feedback and performance improvement plans
Job sampling: setting up performance improvement plans
Effectively avoid the mistakes in performance interview
Case study: reaching win-win performance interview
Skills and arts of applying performance appraisal results
Setting up performance-oriented compensation mechanism
Practical operation skills: setting up incentive performance feedback plan
Sharing experience: how to connect staff’s performance to staff’s compensation closely
Discussion about hot issues on performance managemen
《企業(yè)人力資源管理專家勝任力證書培訓系列(PHR)之 績效管理專家勝任力特訓營》培訓受眾
1. 企業(yè)負責績效管理人員
Personnel taking charge of performance management
2. 企業(yè)人力資源管理人員
Human Resources Management personnel of the enterprise
3. 企業(yè)中高層管理人員和老板
Senior management personnel and boss of the enterprises
4. 有志于成為《績效管理專家》者
People willing to be an expert in performance management
《企業(yè)人力資源管理專家勝任力證書培訓系列(PHR)之 績效管理專家勝任力特訓營》課程目的
企 業(yè):1,提升公司和員工的績效,增強公司的贏利能力和競爭能力
Enterprise: Improving company and staff’s performance, enhancing company’s profitability and competitiveness
Improving company’s return on investment, effectively attracting and keeping high-quality staff
Trainees: Obtaining the expert-level skills in performance management, accelerating self career development pace and effectively enhancing career competitiveness
《企業(yè)人力資源管理專家勝任力證書培訓系列(PHR)之 績效管理專家勝任力特訓營》所屬分類
《企業(yè)人力資源管理專家勝任力證書培訓系列(PHR)之 績效管理專家勝任力特訓營》授課培訓師簡介
Depew Chen, senior strength strategy implementation consult, HR management consulting and training expert; Master of HR, Doctor of Psychology. 20 years of working experience as HRD or above in large-scale foreign, joint ventures, state-owned and private enterprises. Mr. Chen has been the HR training coacher of Alcanta International Business Education Training Center. Currently, he is the President of New Century HR Management Association(pure academic non-profit professional Organization); Chief designer and chief training coacher of the well-known training brand—Goodcareer-Michigan: CPM-HR Training Series; Authorized coacher of American Certification Institution (ACI); Senior training coacher of International Professional Qualification Registered HR Management Series Certification issued by American Certification Institution (ACI)in Guangzhou area; Chief designer and consultant of GEPMS(Global Electronic Performance Management System); Chief strategy and HR consultant of Goodcareer Consulting Group.
Depew Chen has been kept focusing on human resources management theory research for a long term. By combining 20 years of human resources management experience with international modern human resources management theory, Mr. Chen has established strength HR management training courses series with HR management ability as training goal. He has been a well-known strength strategy implementation expert、HR management expert、HR training expert, HR project service expert and leading HR issue researcher. The strength HR training courses are: CPM—HR series (external training series) designed according to ability structure of HR management manager level or above--- a total of 8- level series training courses and 128 professional modules. PHR series(external training series) designed according to HR management expert-level ability structure ——4-level series of training courses, a total of 24 professional modules; MHR series(internal training series);Non-HR Managers’ HR management ability training courses--- a total of four-level and 26 modules in accordance with enterprise middle and high-level management person ability structural design.
想了解更多由陳導師主導設計的實戰(zhàn)型人力資源管理勝任力培訓課程模塊(共3千多個)或下載部份課程模塊請與陳導師聯系。到目前為止,陳建志導師在全國已開辦了人力資源管理勝任力系列訓練班470多期;現已接受了陳導師培訓的學員來自:友邦、德士活、漢高、中美史克、用友、亨氏集團、頂新控股、中國電信、依利安達、聯泰集團、溢達集團、天安保險、柯尼卡、正大康地、震雄集團、奧林巴斯、麥當勞、永大光通信、易初蓮花超市、保世高、海信集團、廣東環(huán)球寬帶、廣日電梯、得煌科技……等二千多家企業(yè),全國培育和發(fā)展了三千多名人力資源主管/經理/總監(jiān)級或以上職位的人力資源管理專才。100%的學員在短期內實現有個人職業(yè)的突破性發(fā)展;其中35%的學員已進入了大型外資企業(yè)和國內外500強企業(yè),月薪為人8000—25000元(如要索取學員聯系電話請與陳導師聯系)。 在新的一年陳導師將會更廣泛地專注于培育和發(fā)展更多實戰(zhàn)型人力資源管理專家的工作,造就更多具備月薪10000元至30000元能力的人力資源管理白領/金領一族……
To know more strength HR management ability training course modules (over 3 thousand totally) dominated by Depew Chen or to download parts of these modules, please contact Depew Chen. So far, Depew Chen has launched over 470 stages of HR management ability training classes and trained the trainees from over 2 thousand enterprises like AIA, Texwood, Henkel, Smith Kline &French, UF, Elec & Eltek, Luen Thai Group, Tian An Insurance, Chen Hsong Group, McDonald's, Yongda Optical Communication, Lotus supermarkets, high-security world, Hisense Group, Guangdong Global Broadband, Guangri Elevator, Dehuang Science and Technology. Now we have already cultivated more than 3 thousand of HR management talents in the post of HRE/ HRM/ HRD or above. 100 percent trainees could get breakthrough in career in a short time; 35% of these trainees have already worked for large-scale foreign enterprises and top 500 enterprises at home and abroad with a salary from 10000 to 25000 Yuan (please contact with Depew Chen to get the telephone numbers of the trainees). In the new year, Depew Chen will focus on cultivating and developing more strength HR management experts and training more HR management white collar and gold collar with the salary from 10000 to 30000 Yuan.