一、 如何解除不能勝任工作的員工
How to relieve the incompetent employee?
1. 什么是“不能勝任工作”
What is “incompetent work”?
2. 以不能勝任工作為由的解除程序
The dismissal procedures in the name of incompetent work
3. 以不能勝任工作為由的解除依據(jù)及實操手法
The dismissal basis and practical operation practice in the name of incompetent work
4. 實踐中常見的幾種誤區(qū)
Several common practical misunderstandings
二、 如何解除長病假員工
How to relieve long sick-leave employee?
1. 醫(yī)療期的常見誤區(qū)
The common errors in the medical period
2. 如何判斷病假單的真?zhèn)?
How to judge the authenticity of the sick leave?
3. 如何把長病假員工拉回談判桌
How to get the long sick-leave employees back on the negotiation table?
三、 不能履行的合同——如何以客觀情況發(fā)生重大變化解除員工
Unable performed contract---How to relieve the employees under significant changes in the objective situation
1. 客觀情況發(fā)生重大變化解除員工與經(jīng)濟性裁員的區(qū)別及優(yōu)點
The differences and advantages between relieving the employees under significant changes in the objective situation and economic layoffs
2. 不能適用的人群
Not applicable crowd
3. 崗位消失是否屬于客觀情形發(fā)生重大變化?
Whether job vanishes is a significant change in the objective situation?
4. 客觀情形發(fā)生重大變化解除實操技法
The dismissal practical skills of significant changes in objective situation
四、 企業(yè)與員工解除勞動合同篇
Extermination labor contract between enterprise and employee
1. 企業(yè)該如何以“嚴重違紀”為由與員工解除?
How should the enterprise use “serious violation” as an excuse for relieving employees?
2. “違紀”與“嚴重違紀”的區(qū)別?員工違紀到什么程度才稱得上“嚴重違紀”?
The difference between violation and serious violation. The employee violate to which kind of degree can be called serious violation?
3. 如何以被追究刑事責任為由解除員工:何為“被依法追究刑事責任”?
How to relieving the employees in the name of being investigated for criminal responsibility? What is the “to be investigated for criminal responsibility?
4. 實例操作:如何處理一個侵吞公司財產(chǎn)的高管
Practical operation: How to handle a company executive who misappropriated enterprise property
五、 如何與員工協(xié)商解除勞動合同
How to negotiate with the employees to terminate the labor contract?
1. 協(xié)商解除的幾個誤區(qū)
The several errors of negotiated termination
2. 如何在協(xié)商解除時布局,如何實現(xiàn)有壓力的協(xié)商環(huán)境
How to layout while negotiation lift? How to achieve the pressured negotiated environment?
3. 如何選擇協(xié)商解除的方案,如何在各個方案之間進行過渡轉(zhuǎn)換
How to choose the negotiation lift program? How to make the transition among every program?
4. 員工在協(xié)商解除勞動合同后反悔的特殊情況
The special circumstance of staff’s regretting after the negotiated dissolution of the labor contract
六、 如何制定、實施裁員方案
How to formulate and implement layoff programs?
1. 針對企業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)移安置、規(guī)模裁減員工的政策解讀;
The policy interpretation of enterprise relocated and scaled layoff
2. 員工規(guī)模裁減之法律實戰(zhàn):如何設置裁員步驟及操作技巧
The law combats of scaled layoff: how to set the layoff steps and operation skills?
七、 辭職 Resignation
1. 常見誤區(qū)與風險防范——員工辭職的性質(zhì):申請還是通知?
The common errors and risk prevention---the employee resignation properties: application or notice?
2. 員工辭職的條件:書面通知與提前30天是必不可少的嗎?
The employee resignation conditions: written notice 30 days in advance is essential?
3. 員工提交辭職信后要求撤回如何處理?
How to handle the employee requests to withdraw after submitting the resignation letter?
八、 服務期 Service period
1. 用人單位向員工支付購房補貼并約定了服務期,服務期內(nèi)員工離職,用人單位依據(jù)合同要求員工全額返還購房補貼,能否得到支持?
The enterprise pays the house subsidies and agrees the service period with the employee, meanwhile, the employee resign during the service period, the enterprise requests to be refunded the house subsidies in accordance with the contract, can be supported?
2. 可以約定服務期的情形:僅限于專項技術培訓嗎?
Situation can be agreed upon the service period is only in the special technical training?
3. 勞動合同到期但仍在服務期內(nèi),用人單位終止勞動合同嗎?
The labor contract expires, but still in the service period, can the enterprise terminate the labor contract?
4. 勞動者違反服務期約定的賠償金額如何確定,是否必須折算?
How to determine the amount of the compensation that the employee breaks up the agreement in the service period? And whether it needs to convert?
九、 競業(yè)限制 Competition restrictions
1. 勞動合同約定用人單位可以在員工離職時通知員工是否履行競業(yè)限制的義務,這種約定是否合法有效?
The labor contract agrees that the enterprise can inform the employee whether he needs to fulfill the obligations of competition restrictions when the employee leaves, and whether this agreement is legal and valid?
2. 用人單位能否以員工對單位造成損失為由不支付經(jīng)濟補償金?
Whether the enterprise can use the un-ion losses caused by the staff as an excuse for not paying the economical compensation?
3. 沒有與競爭單位建立勞動合同關系就不違反競業(yè)限制約定嗎?
Doesn’t it violate the competition restriction without building the labor contract with the competitive company?
4. 員工違反競業(yè)限制約定,違約金之外,能否要求其離開競爭單位?
When the employee violates the competition restriction provisions, and pays the breach, can ask him to leave the competition unit?
十、 薪酬福利 C&B
1. 勞動合同年中到期終止,員工要求按實際工作日折算年終獎,并將年終獎納入經(jīng)濟補償金的基數(shù),用人單位是否應該支付?
The labor contract expires at the mid-year, the staff requests to convert year-end bonus according to the actual working days, and bring the year-end bonus into the economical compensation base, should the employer pay?
2. 如何確定經(jīng)濟補償金的基數(shù):工資的范圍與福利的辨析;
How to determine the economical compensation basis and the desc-ription between the salary range and welfare.
3. 特殊工資項目的處理:未到賬的績效提成、年終獎、13薪、未休年假…
The special salary processing: uncheck in performance commission, the end-year bonus, 13 months’ salary, unused annual leave etc..
4. 離職工資的發(fā)放時間:能否安排在企業(yè)發(fā)薪日統(tǒng)一發(fā)放?
The payment time of termination wages: the payment can be arranged on the un-ion payment day of the enterprise?